Multi Operator ASP Chat Script |
Multi Operator ASP Chat Script Software is fully capable of providing live chat support to multiple online customers or visitors of your web site simultaneously and similarly supports customers or visitors of your website to chat with multiple operators (customer care executive). Chat Software easily supports multiple chat of Customer support executive with your Web Site customer/visitor/clients. Easy to use Web Based chat solution tool facilitates your intellectual operator assistant to solve problems and query of your customers online 24x7 live. Live chat software is entirely proficient to send offline messages of your customer while your support operator is not available or offline. Affordable Web Chatting Utility perfectly operates with all major browsers including Internet explorer and other similar browsers. Single Operator ASP Chat ScriptSingle Operator ASP Chat Script Software is effective solution that helps users to provide live chat support to online customers or visitors of your web site in real time. Chat Software provides easily provides 1-to-1 chat of your customer support executive with Web Site visitors/clients. Live chat software helps support executive to solve the problems and query of your visitors or client. Web Based chat solution features to save all the offline messages send by your customer while your customer support executive was offline or not available.